Abdul Sattar Edhi (1 January 1928 – July 8, 2016),

Abdul Sattar Edhi (1 January 1928 – July 8, 2016), 

He was born in 1928, his family and mother had low-income and modest resources in the city of Bantva in what is now Gujarat, western British India. Edhi’s first interaction with human suffering occurred at the age of eleven, when his mother was physically paralyzed and later suffered from mental illness. Edhi spent his waking hours caring for her, and her worsening health and eventual death left a lasting impact on his life. In 1947, at the age of 19, Mr. Edhi’s family was forced to flee their hometown and relocate to Karachi. Finding himself in a new city without any resources, Edhi resolved to dedicate his life to aiding the poor, and over the last sixty years, he has single handedly changed the face of welfare in Pakistan. . . .See More


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